Welcome to Nkoko Iju Africa
We have been at the forefront of HIV/AIDS prevention, sexual and reproductive health education, and community empowerment initiatives.
Sexual Reproductive health rights
We facilitate linkages and referrals to integrated health facilities for Sexual Reproductive Health Care. Nkoko Iju Africa ensures sex workers are able to access healthcare with zero discrimination and stigmatization.
Who We Are
Nkoko Iju Africa is a Community-Based Organization (CBO) operating in the coastal counties of Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, and Tana River, Kenya. Our mission is to advocate for and empower key populations, particularly young female sex workers and other marginalized groups, including gender and sexual minorities. Since our inception, we have been at the forefront of HIV/AIDS prevention, sexual and reproductive health education, and community empowerment initiatives. We date from back in 2009.
Nkoko Iju Africa became legally registered in June, 2018 which helped Nkoko Iju Africa realize recognition, building of long-term partnerships and networks with health care providers, the law enforcement, religious leaders, the local and county government leaders, lawyers and the general public to not only help achieve our objectives but also ensure inclusivity and creation of an enabling environment for our peers
Nkoko Iju Africa was initially called Kisauni Peer Educators as a self help group which was founded on the basis of high numbers of sex workers in Mombasa, that is, Kisauni and Nyali subcounties which raised issues and the need to address the high rates of violence, abortion, new HIV and STIs infections, stigma, discrimination and the need of sex worker’s voice being heard in the community.

What We Do
— Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
Nkoko Iju facilitate linkages and referrals to integrated health facilities for Sexual Reproductive Health Care. Nkoko Iju Africa has sex workers are able to access healthcare with zero discrimination and stigmatization.
—Rapid Response to Violence and Security
We champion for the rights of sex workers through seeking justice for our clients and ensuring justice is served to the perpetrators and to provide a secure environment and safeguard the lives of our clients. Nkoko Iju Africa has it’s very own trained paralegals to ensure all the cases of violence are looked into and the Nkoko Iju Africa’s office serves a safe space for our clients in distress.
— Economic Empowerment
We strengthen and build up capacity for our sex workers to engage and take part in economic spaces. Nkoko Iju Africa has developed programs to help enable this through; kitchen gardens, shower gel making, milk production from soyabeans, detergent making, farming and briquette making.
— Mental Health Awareness and Psychosocial Support
We help sex workers realize their own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and be able to make a contribution to their community.
— Institutional Strengthening
We also enhance and strengthen the leadership capacity of our clients so that they can also become influential individuals in the community.
Impact Stories
Maryline Laini- Executive Director Nkoko Iju Africa
Working with the key population is very crucial issue especially when it comes to Mombasa county because the community has a lot of issues when it comes to young female sex workers, LBTQI sex workers and young mothers transitioning into sex work as we face alot of violence, discrimination and stigmatization. You and I, can both make a difference if we speak up to help advocate for the rights of young FSWs and young mothers transitioning into sex work
Winchester Vallary - Communications Officer
Nkoko Iju Africa has an unmatched past record of excellence in previous projects and partnerships undertaken. This is evidenced by various recognition that we have received from both the government and non-government institution. Thanks to our long-term relationships, deep partnerships, the generosity of our community and friends, and our team’s ambition and commitment, we managed to feed 250 sex workers with donation from Denmark students during the C19 pandemic.